so Im in the 11th grade and Ive struggled with depression and suicide (tried to overdose and Ive slit my throat, but i didnt puncture my jugular or corroded arteries i ust drew a lot of blood) and after that I was hospitalized and put on prozac which makes me feel hazy and I stopped taking it. Its not like im unpopular or anything I have a lot of friends, I get good grades, I go to parties and normal stuff. I feel like I dont deserve all the nice things I have in my life so I feel like **** and I feel worthless all the time.
After I got out the hospital, I felt better but after a couple of weeks I started slipping back into feel depressed and all I thought about was dying. I didn't tell my parents or therapist because they'd send me back to the hospital and I absolutely hated it
And today my school called with concerns about a short story I wrote about a kid who murders kids in his class and than commits suicide. I only wrote it because I had done a project on school shootings and I felt like writing a story about it. and that caused my parents to look through my computer and they found my journal, which is where I mostly talked about how much I hated myself and how I want to die and pictures of people killing themselves and emails from a googledocs group I oined called suicide-methods, and they confronted me about it and said I need help, but I really cant go back to a hospital and I Cant be on meds I feel like everything is crumbling around me and Im powerless to stop it. I feel so sad anxious right now I dont know what to do|||Why dont u try to take the help that is being offered to u? Trying to avoid ur feelings is impossible and ur only stopping urself from being happy. So many people who want to die have nobody be grateful. Don't think u don't deserve to be happy, u deserve it as much as everyone else does. Don't do anything stupid. U only have one life, live happy and die laughing.|||The most visible thing about sinus is swelling. The following works for simple cold, running nose and strep throat, when the throat is hurting.
The easiest way to control swelling is to give up water and all other liquids for 24 hours. In 24 hours there will be no significant dehydration to cause organ failure. But to be double sure one can stay indoors for 24 hours.
Now if you decided to try it the next problem is that one who is used to drinking water or other liquids feel thirsty quite often. They find it very difficult to manage without water for more than 6 hours. For that follow one of the following routines. The option 1 is better then 2 and 2 is better then 3.
1). Start drinking 1 glass of water 1 hour before each meal. So in all there will be 3 glasses of water in 24 hours. Give up all other liquids. After 3-4 days this will help u to stay without water for 24 hours or more.
2). Start drinking 2 glasses of water with 1/2 spoon of salt 1 hour before each meal. (Those with very high blood pressure - may do so at their own risks. But others who do not suffer from very high blood pressure may do so by taking their blood pressure every day). After 4-5 days you can stay without water for 24 hours or more without water and other liquids.
3). First thing in the morning drink tea (on empty stomach). It should be normal tea not too strong nor too light. One should not take anything with tea. No water or anything before or after tea for atleast 2 hour. Tea on empty stomach leaves a bitter taste in mouth. Resist drinking water or any other liquid for next 3-4 hours. After this the bitter taste will be gone. AFter this there will be no thirst signals. For the next 48 hours there will be enough fluid in your mouth and food pipe. You can eat your normal meals minus any liquids for next 24 hours. This will resolve all health issues including poor digestion.
In 24 hours the reduction in the fluids will be about 3 litres or about 5% of the total body weight of a normal adult.
Never the swelling due to sinus or cold and cough is more than 5% of the body volume.
During this period of 24 hours the lose of water from the body does not reduce even by 1% to offset reduced water intake.
The reduction in loss of body water thru urine or sweating starts after 48 hours in most of people. But to be on safe side giving up water and liquids for 24 hours will do the trick.
The reduced swelling will give immediate relief from pain. It will make is much more easier to eliminate the cough thru nose without any pain.
That will also improve the blood acid levels by about 10%. This makes changes at the cell level as well. Blood acid levels are the first line of defense against the infections.
So swelling gone, pain gone, cough moving out, infections taken care of. Now what remains in the body for the next change of season time. Obviously nothing.
So it has already given u long term relief from sinus. But in some cases one may get sinus during next change of season and may have to do this again. The reason is during change of season the body must adjust the water that is stored in the body. Due to some cell level changes the ability of the body to bring those changes is lost. But after 2-3 seasons that ability of the body will be restored and there will be complete relief from sinus.
You may refer to Kole on yahoo answers. He posted that he got lot of relief. You may check his comment on my best answers of 14.8.2011
To decide whether the above is right or not, you may comment whether u are in the habit of regularly drinking water and other liquids or out of work or other reasons u remain without water and other liquids for long periods of time. Those who are very regular in drinking water and other liquids are more prone to sinus and related complications. People who are extremely dehydrated are also very likely to face sinus and related complications. Those who are on and off with water are not likely to face this sinus thing.|||Dude pray to God, you might not think it will help but I promise you it will, and no just don't think your talking to him, know your talking to him. Depression blows, I know, but really think about life. At least you get to see what your seeing. Yea lifes rough but He will make it better. Stay safe and hurting anyone or yourself isn't the answer. Please just ask Jesus to help, and remeber you have to believe and have faith (easier said than done). But your worth it trust me, I know you will find happiness.
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