Monday, December 19, 2011

Posting/sharing/syncing a file online?

I have an excel file that I want to share with a few people. I will be updating this file over time. Is it possible to upload and share the file and keep it synced with the file on my hard drive without having to upload it over and over? I've already tried googledocs, and the file is not playing nice (I'm assuming there is a formula that googledocs doesn't like). Of course, if I can do this all automatically and for free, that would be awesome.||| . Account is free, and you get 2 GB of space. Automatically syncs across multiple devices, can be downloaded even to iPhone or Android-based Smartphones. To share with others, put it in the PUBLIC folder, and give others the DropBox URL to your folder.|||Hi, I think DropBox will fit perfectly on your needs.

It consists in a little app which can sync the content of a folder in your hard drive with multiple computers or mobile devices and with your online account.

It offers 2GB for free which you can expand up to 10GB with referrals. Also it offer versioned storage which means that in every moment you can recover version of the file, for example if you save or delete something by mistake.

Also you can create shared folders and invite other people to join in, for example a "work" folder on which save documents you are collaborating to create etc., plus there is a default Public folder to put file to share with people who even don't have dropbox by simply providing them a link which you can easily get via a contextual menu item (right click) added by dropbox app

In your case you simply save your excel file in the Dropbox folder and the app will automatically synchronize it every time you modify it, and as I said before, you can even recover a deleted document or content inside the document through web interface checking previous version of the doc.

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